Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tag!! Tag!! Tag!!

Being tagged by cycelia & QH but never notice about it. Hehe..

Here we go~
5 easy steps:
1) Put your music player on shuffle.
2) Press forward for each question.
3) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
4) With the answers, comment on how it relates to the question.
5) Tag your matesHere goes nothing.

How am I feeling today? 舞娘-Jolin
But I don feel this way..Don feel like dancing at all, or that mean I look like a 舞娘??

Will I get far in life? Stay the same
Wah..that's jz mean..

How do my friends see me? Unfaithful
Erm..Do my friends really see me this way.Definitely NOT. think should be without the "un-"

Will I get Married? Reflection

What is my best friend's theme song? 塔罗牌
No idea, why is it this song.

What is the story of my life? 最爱我的人伤我最深
I don want to be like this..PLS..it's not true..

What was highschool like? Buttons by Pussy cat

What is in store for this weekend? Melodies of Life by Shiratora Emiko

How is my life going? 朋友变情人再变朋友-品冠
Erm..who will be that special frens? I wonder..haha..

How can you get ahead of life? 不想长大-SHE
mean ACT cute??that's jz not my way!

What song will they play at my funeral? Someday - Nickelback
Someday they will remember me..somehow too..

How does the world see me? 明天的幸福-欧得洋

Do people secretly lust after me? Can't stop loving you
Wahaha...can't stop laughing ba...

How can I make myself happy? 无尽的爱-许志安和韩红

What should I do with my life? 暧昧
ask me to 暧昧 with some1 ah!!! 好,行动咯!开玩笑的啦!

Will I ever have children? 怎么办-she

What song would you strip to?
The Blowers Daughter-Damien Rice
"I can't take my eyes off u, I can't take my eyes off u....."

What does your mom think of you? 让我取暖-彭羚和王力宏
that should be what i think of my mum!!

What is your deep, dark secret? Let's get retarted-Black eyed peas
Haha..no need to get start..It's there for quite long redi. :P

What is your mortal enemy's theme song? 甜甜圈
No link.....

What is you personality like? Time enough for tears
think is quite true..at least for now.

What song will be played at your wedding? I Do-XQRJ(X9)Final song
That's definitely what i hope to hear.. :D

Your overall theme song? Someday we'll know
Yaya..someday u all will knw.

Ya..here come to the end of the game..

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