Sunday, September 28, 2008



Saturday, September 27, 2008

F1 Singapore Grand Prix

今天一睡醒就和eng seng, oks, kane还有他女友去Mirama Hotel 吃点心buffet了。吃的好饱哦! 那里的点心还蛮不错的,就是糯米鸡不合我胃口而已。

下午就和Ellen 去看F1, 刚刚才回来哦。虽然今天只是Friday Practice 但是还是很热闹。我们的位置在Gate1 而且就在starting point 后的Turn 2 和 Turn 3 之间所以视野还蛮好的。除此之外,也有live feed screen 在我们前面哦,所以其他F1跑车在别的转弯口的情形我们都可以清楚地看到。果然在Grand Stand 欣赏F1就是不一样,当F1跑车在我们面前飞驰而过时,那震耳欲聋的声音真的不是盖的。幸好我们都有买所谓的survival kits - ear plug。Thanks Ellen for the ticket yo~ 真是赚到了! :P

Ellen & Me

Yeah!!可以坐在F1跑车里哦! 装酷中!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

recess week

Recess Week 了!(你未免也太好迟了吧?) :P

前几天终于有机会踏出hall出去逛街了。现在新加坡有F1热潮哦! 就连面包也有F1赛车型的,满可爱的哦。所以我就偷偷地把它照下来,“带”回家了...
今天,从 eng seng 那里领养了4 个孤儿回来。别急,别急.. 我是说4 棵幼苗啦,别想太多!!


刚刚一时心血来潮,就去跑了NUS 一圈,现在精神爽啊! 下次谁也有兴趣和我跑一圈,告诉我哦!

Friday, September 19, 2008


AH..今天包了好多好多的云吞! :(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008






Saturday, September 13, 2008


Yeah!! Finally went to shopping!!!

Hee..Bought myself a new watch and a dress. :P "败家" once in a while only. So happy that I found a watch that I like. Finally can get rid of the life without watch, can't believe that I survive without it for about 2 months.

Actually, just planning to eat alot alot of nice food to compensate all the blood I lost yesterday..But, ended up shopping & didn't really get to eat nice food. Nvm, I'm satisfied with what I have now.

Today, I saw alot of mooncake promotions in the shopping mall. Yah, Tomoro is the mooncake festival redi but I haven't get to eat any mooncake yet. (That 1 from QH not counted bcoz it's agar-agar mooncake,not the traditional type) Any kind soul want to give me some? haha.. :P

Too happy so don't feel like studying now!! ~_~


今天一早就和朋友去捐血。这么巧,有电视明星在那里拍摄,所以捐血的同时也有帅哥看。还蛮赏心悦目的。今天一整天都没真正上课,skip lecture.. That's just so not me!!

Polling day过了,Election Comm. 终于告一段落了。但是,刚刚收到CD的message。Arghhh.....

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Captain

终于找到了一个captain。哈哈..还蛮开心的, 但是我还是必须下去training 和coach 她们。没办法啦,没有什么senior了。虽然是很大声地说我不要也不想再理了...但还真是办不到。Haiz..........

好啦,Photo CA1 考了,接下来就是Pharmaco CA1 & Principle of Med Chem CA1, 然后recess week。以为松了一口气哦? 想的美!! 不要担心,Pharmacy department 的人已经为我们做好了打算,所有的CA都是一个星期一个,但是是一个接一个,刚刚好到reading week,一点喘息的时间都没有。好啦,看完了日剧该睡了。晚安!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today went back to lab to collect our ampoules which subjected to autoclaving yesterday. Can't believe that we need to seal the ampoules by ourselves right?? Get to use the jet-burner to seal them, 就像“烧玻璃”. We need to burn & melt the neck of the ampoules then we can change it shape as we like. Quite fun but abit frustrated bcoz I don have talent in this. Arghh..

Hee..luckily I got 6 ampoules to submit. I brought back the 2 defect ampoules (think got leakage so the solution take up the color of the dye) back as my own collection. :P The color very nice, ocean blue. For me, they look like a tiny vodka bottle, should have made more & bring them back.

Ya..the ampoule we made is intended for IV injection..But, I doubt if we will ever use them..

Due to my poor sealing skill, the height of the ampoules are not so uniform. :P

2 rejected ampoules but I like their color!

Monday, September 1, 2008

