Monday, March 31, 2008


明天又Practical Test 所以是时候和书本共度美好光阴了. 幸好还后好歌相伴, Hehe...

Sunday, March 30, 2008


After dinner, spent an hour to clean my room. Wow, now the room is clean though still look messy especially the table. That just can't help.. :P

Get some pics that we took after we finished the KEWOC board.

Hehe..jump at the wrong timing. :P Shu Hui timing is jz nice~

Ha,this time I got it. :D Like this pic.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


今早在KEWOC room (previous X room)忙了一个早上,终于将KEWOC Board 做的七七八八了。嘻嘻,但是感觉上自己真的没有什么艺术细胞,幸好Pubz 有你们。现在,KEWOC Board 只剩一些就算大功告成了。Yeah..

坐在书桌前想要安静的,努力的“刨书”,但是心却不能定下来。刚刚在 Facebook 发现朋友将以前在A-level 时的相片upload 上去了。然后,那么巧,在 LD 的朋友又在 MSN 和我聊天。 这让我回想起从前的种种...

由于电脑里不多从前的相片,所以我每次回家一定会将我所有的 photo albums 拿出来慢慢的欣赏与回味。是自恋还是念旧? 当然是后者啦,虽然前者也有少少的成分。说真的,在LD 时的11人党还真的蛮爱照相的。因此,我的相册绝对不少,妹妹们都常常“自叹不如”,哈哈..

后来,在A-level 时认识了一群好朋友,也拍下了不少美好的回忆。这次是6人党。因为身高的关系,我们被称为3对双峰塔 (twin towers)。


Friday, March 28, 2008


昨天才考的CA,今天成绩就出炉了。第一次觉得原来NUS其实是很有效率的。Erm.. 至于成绩嘛。不得不失,以我付出的时间和努力来说,应该也是如此吧?

结论是 --- 不会


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


哈.. 终于考完了两个CA,但是接下来的三个星期才是真正的恶心和令人头痛啊!现在才是噩梦的高潮。

Sob sob....刚刚妙宝问我这个星期六要不要去杨宗纬的签唱会,原来他这个周末会在新加坡。可怜的我,不能去啊! 难得我居然有冲动出席如此的活动,但是真的真的不行啊! Haiz...

还是想想开心的事吧! 下个星期爸妈会过来看我哦,虽然只是短短的两天,但他们还是决定走一趟。应该不会是之前的我吓坏他们了吧? 希望不是。:P

虽然还没决定要干嘛, 但是今晚应该好好的宠宠自己了..

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2nd set of 38 drugs

Ha..jz celebrated yifei's birthday in his room..(consider celebrate hor?? :P)

gonna start study on Pharmacology + 38 drugs(2nd set) for tomoro CAs. How am i going to survive like this??

Haha..never notice that actually quite a few of ppl read my blog. Recently, there are too many thoughts in my mind. Need time to organize them and also need SPACE.. wait till I finish my tomoro CAs, there might be some free space which previously occupied by 38 drugs, can be use to organize all those thoughts and share here.(But, I doubt if thr is any space REALLY occupied by the "lovely" drugs..sigh..)

gonna go back to my Pharmaco notesssss. wish me luck, hope the fuel i refill here enough for my tomoro journey. :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008


冰箱结霜 咖啡滚烫
煮不好 最简单的早餐
我的生活 是一团混乱
维持单身 感觉茫然
喜不喜欢 习不习惯
我总是 说不出个答案
一个人来 又一个人往
怎么让他 流连忘返

我不想当笨蛋 我在墙上写满渴望
我可以大哭一场 房间还是空空荡荡
我绝对不逞强 该属于我任其自然
纵然是了解眼光 也是温暖

每个早上 都想赖床
没有梦 是最让人沮丧
我的眼睛 盯着天花板
也跑不出 任何对象

Dance Uncensored

Just came back from supper n a long talk with friends after we watched "dance uncensored" at UCC. that was a good show, like some of the dances performed by the halls, especially the dance performed by RH. It's funny & cute.. though u might think my taste is abit weird. >.<

At this moment, how i wish i have my own camera then i can take any pic i like n upload them to share with my friends. Regret that I reject the camera that my dad offer to give me. (That camera is abit BIG, that's why i don want to take it) :P Suddenly some thought make me feel down. Jz can't control myself.

<<Profile for today>>
Disease state : abit mood swing....
Symptoms: suddenly laugh then keep quite.. eyes without focus, talk nonsence
Reason/stimulant: undetectable??
(a) food : egg tart, bubble tea, cheese cake etc.
(b) friends, family
(c) movie, music
(d) other:__________

Ha.. I also don knw how to treat myself. jz talk nonsence here before I slp. ~Nite~

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


哈..刚刚才拍完year book 的相片。过了今天应该算是真正的将石头放下了吧? 但是,傻傻的我好像又将某些大石头放进篮子里了。还真巧,篮子里永远不会空,但也没有超重而致命,只是刚刚让我小步小步的行走,大口大口的吸气。

今天是block day 所以整个晚上就在recreation room度过了。该说我虚度光阴还是珍惜青春呢?
哈哈...不管怎么说,至少今晚我可以和朋友一块打桌球,我们还占据了桌球台好一阵子哦,蛮开心的。(但是,球技退步了,谁愿意和我一块打桌球? 如果可以教教我这个 "孺子",那就太好了。别担心,绝对"可教")

明天开始应该就“变天”了吧? 应该是我的天而已,他人的天空永远是蔚蓝的,这和“外国的月亮比较圆”的原理是一样的吧?

睡前还在想,如果我把那些石头想象成可爱的桌球,那会不会让我呼吸顺畅点呢? @.@'''

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Ha..nv update my blog for quite a few days le.. Hehe.. so got a summary for this week.

I was help out in a event held by NUSPS. (forgot what it's about.. :P)

Me & joanne were incharged of the total body fat booth..tht mean we need to measure ppl total body fat & visceral fat. But, I left that to joanne bcoz thr got a BMI & fun!! you just need to stand on it & look in front at ur eye level, then the machine will scan ur body height & measure ur body weight. Jz within 6 to 10 sec, u'll get a printed ticket which contain ur body height,weight, BMI value & the recommended body weight for u. Hehe..kinda fun(and most importantly..EASY) haha.. I don even need to press any button. syok to incharge of tht. :P choose a right machine for myself.. clap clap!!

cycelia was incharged of a booth about smoking. she will ask ppl to ans some simple(very very simple) true/false questions abt smoking then she'll give out a note book if u ans correctly. Haha..sure we got a notebook too.. we also took some funny pic with the HUGE cigarette thr.

that first 1 is cycelia.. Not me!! :P

notice the shirt? "Ask your pharmacist" I want tht shirt!! (jz bcoz of the wording in front)
we tought we r allowed to take the shirt after the event but..NO..we r not allow to..
what make us mad is tha we realised that those ppl help in 2nd day of the event were allowed to take it.sigh..

yesterday was the open day of NUS. went down to look around. This year our hall PR comm is so much better..cheers for them!! one interesting thing is that, many ppl approached us (me & joanne) and ask whether we will enter NUS next year, they thought we r J2 students!! Haha.. think it's bcoz i walk with joanne.. If i walk alone, don think such thing will ever happen to me.. :D

Monday, March 10, 2008


刚刚喝了一杯Mc Cafe 的 Ice Latte,看来今晚又是不眠的夜。无聊之际,在网上找到2首与失眠有关的歌。



Saturday, March 8, 2008




这段话是取自珠玑格言篇18则的其中一则。很赞吧?这真的很贴切,感情在暧昧不明时最美丽,前提是我们必须有很强的毅力因为歌也有的唱“暧昧让人受尽委屈,找不到相爱的证据,何时该前进? 何时该放弃? 连拥抱都没有勇气”。


Thursday, March 6, 2008


终于考了Pharm Prac 里的38个drugs, 但是才刚刚和38个drugs说再见,另38个又来了。唉,叹息也于事无补啊。今天考试前,一直在哼唱歌曲,好想去唱K 哦!

这个5月份假期就得在pharmacy里进行我们的attachment 了。今天的briefing 真是令我们的心凉了一大截,你绝对难以想象我们attachment 时的薪水比廉价劳工还要低吧? 这个假期就这样泡汤了,NUS不但吸血而且还吃人不吐骨。往好的方面想,这绝对是我们学习与累计经验的方法之一。


刚才和几个“小的”聊天,发觉其中几个其实都有继续参加 X11 的想法。他们也很坦白的说,因为有遗憾所以想再继续参与。除此之外,他们也觉得才刚刚学到某些技巧就得结束整个comm是很可惜的。听到他们如此的想法,我真的很开心。希望他们能将他们学到的,累计到的知识与经验好好地运用。,让明年的X11办得有声有色。:)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008






Monday, March 3, 2008


刚才接到妈妈打来的电话,本来好想用愉快地声音和她闲聊,但是一听到她的声音我就不能控制自己了。妈妈应该被我吓到了吧! 从来都不会如此的我,突然间如此,对不起,我真的不想让你们担心我。没事了,真的。



Sunday, March 2, 2008


Cold joke 1

Energizer Bunny arrested = charged with battery

Cold joke 2

A woman is taking a shower. All of a sudden, her doorbell rings.
she yells, "who is there?"
A man answer "Blind man"
well, she's a charitable lady so she runs out of the shower naked n open the door.
The man says "where should I put these blinds, lady?" @.@''

Haha..too bored..found these 2 jokes in my psychology book. :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008


又在追看超级星光大道了。你啊!你啊!有CA还不念书,真是不怕死的很惨哦。Haiz..38 个drugs 都还没“读”到一半,对了,看好..是“读”,不是记哦。

最近感觉很奇怪,觉得自己的想法越来越偏激,常常出现一些奇怪的想法而且不能好好控制自己的脾气。虽然我并没有发脾气,但是就..erm..该怎么说呢?可能会给人一种难于亲近和我被一种很冷的空气包围着的感觉吧。每当有人踏进那范围时,应该有被冷到吧?希望他们不会被我冻伤.. :( 我真的应该再去修禅了。